Creating Hope Through Action

There are many things that give us great hope. Whether it be people, animals- or different types of plants. I truly believe there is something out there calling for people to believe they have worth and believe in their place in the world.

Today is no small day in the calendar. It is World Suicide Prevention Day. A day recognised by the United Nations. How fitting, that this year’s theme is all about creating hope through action.

Here in the UK, as well as around the world, news broke on Thursday, September 8th, that her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, had sadly passed away. I doubt there was a dry eye in any household once this news hit.

As I sit here, I feel this the perfect moment to pay tribute, to someone I feel who was the very pinnacle of hope. She CREATED hope through her wise words. Her very words helped a broken, highly irritable me 2 years ago, during the midst of the Covid pandemic. Her words “we will meet again”, these created hope instantly, in a world where we are about as close to mainstream media scare tactics than we are to rats. If she was so sure that eventually we could all once again congregate with friends and enjoy making lasting memories, her majesty is not one to create false optimism. And so it would come to be… We would see our dear friends again.

It is the shaping of us all. The ability to be optimistic shapes us into more positive people, with a mindset of resilience. But what comes with this, is also the other parts of our psyche that Queen Elizabeth II had a huge impact on. She helped created a collective camaraderie. A sense of togetherness. Warmth. A sense of humour during otherwise what could be classed as distressing times. An attitude of perseverance during adversity whether personally or collectively.

Hope is that key word that to me… Connects all of these parts. It’s like it being a puzzle. The things I mention above are all of the remaining pieces and hope is the picture. The action… Is putting the picture together.

As far as I am aware, a considerable amount of people don’t complete jigsaw puzzles together. They may be completed by 2 people or as part of a larger group. I am very grateful that I am able to complete these proverbial or pretend “jigsaw puzzles” due to having a great network of people around me. It is truly about the quality of the people you have around you, rather than the quantity. Having a small number of loyal, dedicated friends and family members makes the world of difference. Whether you are a huge fan of the Royal Family or not, you will be able to see the dedicated work for example done by our now new King, Charles III, within the Prince’s Trust. This organisation has and will continue to provide hope to people in the form of opportunities, of which there are plenty for people to realise their true potential.

So what this really shows, is the hope that is brought about via the actions of extraordinary people, and particularly 2 members of the Royal Family who I know more about. But not only do the seeds of hope bloom from the actions of extraordinary people. As they say- not all heroes wear capes. I have had the pleasure of connecting with many heroes, both in person and online via different support groups.

It is together that we create hope for each other. If there is one thing I feel, it is the sheer determination to grow as a person. To learn new things and explore new opportunities. To learn to embrace my lows as well as the highs. Because if we never learn to appreciate adversity we will never overcome it. Every positive action we produce, which includes the times we fall down, we can teach each other. We can teach each other of the many reasons there are to be a part of this world. Don’t give up! We can do this. Together! May I leave you with one question today: what will you do to create hope through positive action?

Until next time. Have a great weekend and take care everyone.

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